Initial Consultation:
Dawn’s objective is to work closely with her patients to achieve their health goals. The initial consultation is a vital beginning to the process. At this session, which typically lasts about one hour, a complete dietary medical, family and weight history is taken. In addition, the patient will be measured and weighed and a BMI will be calculated. Dawn and the patient will have an in-depth discussion about specific dietary and exercise preferences. The patient’s medical conditions, if any, will also be discussed and considered.
After all of the relevant information is assessed, Dawn and the patient will work together to determine short-term and long-term goals. Dawn will also provide a customized meal plan that will put the patient on a path to achieving his or her health objectives.
Continuing Counseling:
The patient and Dawn will collaboratively determine the frequency of follow-up visits, which usually last for about thirty minutes. Depending on individual objectives and needs, the patient may schedule follow-up appointments on a weekly, monthly or intermittent basis.
At follow-up sessions, Dawn will continue to provide advice on the patient’s diet. She encourages patients to maintain daily food journals that will form the basis for dietary recommendations. The patient will also have an opportunity for an ongoing dialogue about life circumstances – whether medical, familial or professional – that may be impeding nutritional and health goals.
Once dietary goals have been achieved, Dawn will provide the patient with a maintenance plan as well as ongoing support in successfully keeping an ideal weight or managing a medical condition.